Wednesday 7 September 2016

Power in your hands.

A story is told of an old wise man. His name Jabali. Who earned lots of esteem and nobility not only from his village but also from the neighboring villages. Anyone who went to him with a problem left his place happy and hopeful.  He had a solution to everyone and every problem. Whatever problem you may think of, personal problems to family problems, business problems, societal problems, name it. He had a solution.
Jabali was highly spoken of by the villagers. However, there was a young man who was really disturbed by the way the villagers went into raptures over Jabali.  He created problems of every sort he thought could never be solved and took it to this old man. To his bewilderment, the solution that was offered always convinced him.
One day, during an open air counseling session in the village, this young appeared. Interrupting the proceedings, he stood between the old wise man Jabali and the villagers, caught a butterfly in the air and folded it into his palm.
“Old man!” he shouted, “Dead or alive?” he asked, stretching his folded palm towards the wise Jabali.
The villagers looked at the situation in trepidation, imagining how tricky that situation was to the wise Jabali. If he says alive, the young man would crush the butterfly to death. If he says dead, the young man would simply open his palm and release the butterfly to freedom. Either way, the wise Jabali would fall for the trick.
 “Dead or alive, old man?” he yelled again, frightening the cloud of silence covering them. But silence crept in again, leaving everyone in awe. The old man took a sip of water, cleared his throat, looked at the young man straight in the eyes and said,
“Young man, the power is in your hands.”
Life is a journey full of diverse circumstances. We can either seek problems or seek solutions in the face circumstances. Take the walk of life positively and accept that which comes your way because you have the power to change it and/ or make it better.
There is so much to be drawn from this ancient story that can apply in our lives. In summary, I would like to share my lessons from the story by a one of my favorite quotes; “The man (woman) who thinks he (she) can and the man (woman) who thinks he (she) can’t are both right. Which one are you?” ~ Henry Ford
Whatever you want to do, the power is in your hands.

©Olegamba 2014.

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