Friday 2 September 2016

Make it Count

A new month is here, the last month of the third quarter of the year. At the end of which we should look back and evaluate our performance and make proper adjustments to realize our dreams. But what on earth does it take to make these dreams come true?
Many may not have anything to show for the work they have done in the last eight months and might be under pressure as the year is almost coming to a close. Many may be under pressure because of their age, by society, or by other different circumstances to accomplish their dreams. Pressure normally comes when we start comparing ourselves to others (I wish we did not sign up to that class). As long as there is a plan of action and, or a strategy of attaining your goals that are followed consistently, then there should be little to worry about.
A lot can be construed from the story of planting a Chinese bamboo. When the bamboo is planted, it does not sprout an inch above the ground despite it being nurtured and watered for the whole growing season. Whilst the bamboo tree and the fern might have been planted at the same time in the forest and given equal measure of attention, the fern quickly grows from the earth and beautifully covers the ground of the forest.
After two years of continued care, fertilization, and irrigation, the bamboo tree still has nothing significant to show while the fern grows more vibrantly and abundantly. The third season comes and goes then the fourth. Four years of caring and hard work yet nothing to show for it.
And then on the fifth year, something so amazing and incredible happens. A tiny sprout emerges from the earth but it is nothing significant compared to the fern. Then after some time, the bamboo grows more than 80 feet tall, all in one growing season.
The bamboo tree did not just “sit” inactive for four years waiting to grow on the fifth. It was actually mounting itself underground by growing its root structure to make it tough enough to sustain its coming external growth in the fifth year and beyond.
Had the tree failed to build up a strong and able underground foundation, it would be impossible for it to keep on growing when it is time to sprout out into the outside world.
All that we do every day should always be a step or two towards our goals. We all are free to dream, however, we all also need to realize that dreams are very expensive. Patience, persistence and hard work are needed to realize our dreams. We should make all that we do count in pursuit of our dreams.
“If your dream does not make you uncomfortable, then you should change it” as one of my mentors continuously keeps reminding me.

©Olegamba 2014.

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