Friday 3 April 2020


UNFORTUNATE is what has befallen the human race.  COVID19 has caused such a disruption to the world that was never anticipated. Every strategic playbook of the first to the third world governments has a plan on how how to deal with threats to the economy and it's  citizens but an attack of this nature. What does tomorrow hold, how long will it take for normalcy to resume, what will be the new normal? Living in this age, embracing a new paradigm in approaching our goals and the  future is inevitable. One learns that very few things are important in life, lest you lose control pursuing stress.

A time of reflection. In the spheres of silence and meditation. Summoning peace and refocusing the compass. Exams were to start next week. Learning however continues, even as we pray for the badly hit, those with patients battling  COVID19 and other ailments, those who have lost their loved ones and the first in line to  help fight corona. Stay at home to protect all of us and help ease the the work of medical professionals putting their lives on the line.

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